Friday, March 6, 2009

Salmon trade

Why do I feel like the two trades that I'm holding will never work out? Eventually I can't scale in any more and I'm running out of money etc. Murphy's law says as soon as I got forced out due to margin calls, markets will rally way beyond my targets.I also feel as if I'm completely against the trend. Lumber's been downtrend of 3 years. If you ever looked at the chart, even monkey would have made money simply shorting every bounce. Nat gas is the same way, bu heading into multi-year low.

I also looked at monthly charts on commodities v.s. stock indexes and I didn't see much corelation. Commodities seem to be doing own things. I'm just really tired of holding onto positions this long. It requires more patience than I've ever imagined. I'd like to build a house, quit my job and day-trade, but feels like it'll never come true.

Maybe I just need to take a nap. zzzz...

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