Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It has been a while since my last post here. I've been just super-busy building a house. It's not done yet and I don't know if this will ever be done. There are so many times when I thought I should have just kept renting.

As the house is getting close to be done, I reactivated my trading account and slowly started getting used markets again. What I found very interesting lately is the relation between bonds and stocks. There's an old market wisdom saying, 'Bonds always know something...'

Stocks are rallying but if you look at Bonds, it's almost at all time high. If everyone's taking risk, Bonds shouldn't be at this level. Sure, Bonds can be wrong, but we've seen so many times markets would rally in a very thin volume or with no apparent reason. It goes up so slowly, but when it starts selling, it drops very very quickly.

Nat gas is at an attractive level regardless of fundamentals. I missed good trading opportunities in grains.