Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 Totals

2011 was a pretty quite year in that I didn't start trading until Sept. My portfolio is $25K and I finished with +$1323.03. It's also +5.3%, but I think % is a bit misleading because if, for example, a guy with 1K portfolio comes out, trade forex and makes $1000. Sure, he made 100%, but is it the same as $100K portfolio doubled? I don't think so.

I still have a hard time pulling the trigger. When I didn't know anything, I had no problem getting in, but now I'm very very cautious ended up missing a lot. I still have old bad habits of watching markets tick-by-tick once I get in, which probably doesn't help at all. I hope to make an improvement on this.

I also realized that I didn't do any update on 2009/2010 P/L. At the beginning of 2009, I was down a lot, but made all back + some before I withdrew all to build a house.

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