Friday, May 8, 2009

Sold 1 NG 5 Jul Call for 0.207 or $2070

Nat gas kept on going, which almost seems too straight. I was expecting some sort of pullback or consolidation, but wow, simply amazing. Accordingly, I sold 1 Jul 5 call for 0.207 or $2070 creating yet another covered call. This will be my final leg, so My max gain is now locked. But I think we might see some pullbacks, so it could be a good time to sell calls. 

My 3.5 June put (sold for $3050) is getting close to worthless. Calls are really becoming inflated. You can sell 6 july call for $700 ish with only 6 weeks to go. I think that's simply crazy. But wait and see. If NG keeps going, you can do the same with probably 7-8 calls. I'm almost attempted to sell a naked call, but that's something I never do especially with nat gas. It can move 10-20K in a matter of few days. 

As for Jun 4.25 calls, if it goes in the money too deep, then I'll probably just get out of both underlying and options to free some margin.

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