Monday, November 9, 2009

Bond / note

I don't understand why bonds and notes are not declining. With indexes up this much, you'd think bonds and notes are down. I looked at the charts and looks like they are right on the neck line of head and shoulder. I still think there are mixed feeling of safe haven v.s. risks. As long as we keep this way, I think stocks keep rallying.

One of things I pay attention is money flow to mutual funds. To recent rallies, what people have been doing was to, in fact, take money out of mutual funds. People who bought at the market top in 2007 made up some of their losses. People who bought in 2008 are break-even, so they are cashing in.

As for gold, I have no idea. JC at TTM has been a gold bug for years. His 'buy gold' every night was pretty annoying, but now I wish I would have bought some and this is the difference between pros like him and idiots like me.

Despite broad commodity rallies, lumber is down quite a bit and nat gas is close to the multi year low (not the price wise, but after roll-overs, this is the contract low). I'm attempted to buy dec call options, but that'll probably add more headaches. I guess since I didn't buy markets go up from here. Who knows if i can ever exit these positions.

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