Monday, December 15, 2008

Day trading back-log

Last week, I had a business trip to California for a week. One nice thing about that was I was able to day-trade open and close totalling 4 horus / day. I took 8 trades and the results are as follows (all before commissions):

Mon, 12/9:
#1: -$300
#2: $50

Tue, 12/10:
#3: $50
#4: $187.5
#5: $187.5

Wed, 12/11:
#6: $175

Thu, 12/12:
#7: $175

Fri, 12/13:
#8: $187.5

Total: +$682.5 (less 21 round contracts of commissions)

All were traded on 2 or 3 lots at a time with ES only. I don't know if this is sign of something. I still need to gather more live trading data for sure at least for one solid month.

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