Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Still testing and watching

It's been a while since my last post. I'm very dilligently testing my new ES strategies. I'm getting there, but not yet ready to risk my real money. In the mean time, I was able to get $3.3RT for ES where I can use Zen-fire, institutional service, that provides unfiltered data and that account is fully funded. I also wrote a program in Visual Basic (I never wrote a program using VB before. I was a hard core Java guy) that utilize my money management. I even built a live dome!

As far as my position trades go, they are just hanging there. It seems that I'm not going to exit my spread until soybeans drop to $11/b level. Once I exit this position, I have to be more selective on position trades. Lumbers are all time low, but with housing markets, it'll take a while.

Hope everybody is doing great and let's see what FOMC brings today. Some say we're nowhere done from credit crisis and some think the worst is behind. I personally think either we are used to this situation already or we're getting better. Remember, stock markets are the most efficient instrument to gage our economy. If we get acceptance above 1400, I would say we go higher.

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